Past news from College

Volunteering in the local community

As part of their CAS programme students enjoyed volunteering at the Oxford Flash in the Pan event - read more ...

Girls' basketball

The first league match for our new girls' team was a great success - read more ...

Third victory for the boys' football team

An impressive win against Wheatley Park School - read more ...

Model United Nations

As part of International Day students hosted a conference of 300 delegates at the Town Hall - read more ...

Visit to Northern Ireland

As part of their CAS programme, staff and students visit Northern Ireland - read more ...

Basketball teams

Newly appointed Coach Franky Marulanda has put together two new basketball teams - read more ...

Irish short stories

Keith Hopper, Lecturer at University of Oxford and teacher at St. Clare's leads with his essay in The Times Literary Supplement online - read more ...


Using the College's Celestron CPC 1100 GPS Simon Davis guides staff and students through the night sky - read more ...

Emblem of Innocence, foil for evil

Professor Emeritus Barrie Bullen, University of Reading, will be giving the next talk in the Seminar Series: Representing Childhood - read more ...

League success

The boys football team have scored 6 points from 3 league matches - read more ...

Sensational Salsa

The College Salsa Performance Group gave a great display at the Moving Oxford Day of Dance - read more ...

New rowing club for college

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new rowing club for St. Clare's - read more ...

Poetry as childishness

Dr. Llewelyn Morgan, Lecturer in Classics, discusses childhood in Ovid's Metamorphoses' as part of the Senior Seminar Series - read more ...

Porth yr Ogof, Pen y Fan and Cribyn

The seven day CAS expedition to Wales challenged our students in more than just caving, canoeing and zip wire - read more ...

Gold Expedition Success

Five IB students have passed their Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award expedition element - read more ...

Dickens and Childhood

Dr. David Grylls of Kellogg College discusses childhood in Victorian literature as part of the Senior Seminar Series - read more ...

A busy half term!

Duke of Edinburgh training in Wales, IB Institute teacher workshops and more house refurbishments - read more ...

Senior Seminars

Jay Phoenix Singh (Oxford University Department of Psychiatry) talks about the psychology between adults and babies - read more ...

Fundraising for Haiti

A wonderful total of £1,065.74 has been raised for victims of the earthquake in Haiti - read more ...

International evening

Singing, dancing, acting and a big audience enjoyed a great evening - read more ...

The first concert of the year

Our students excel themselves in a terrific concert of music and singing - read more ...

Much ado about nothing

Our theatre department has been very busy this term working on their major production - read more ...

Oxfordshire Schools League Round Two

The latest performance for our boys' football team - read more ...

10km success for the Running Club

Four students logged good times at the local 10km run - read more ...

Six-a-side football competition

Our girls six-a-side football team won through to the semi final of the Independent Schools National Tournament - read more ...

Another busy weekend at St. Clare's

Just some of the wide range of activities taking part each weekend - read more ...

Running Club recent race

Our team competed in the Hanney 5 miles with respectable times - read more ...

Star gazing

Telescope evenings under clear skies find Jupiter and its four moons - read more ...

Childhood in the Middle Ages

St. Clare's Tutor, Paul Sinclair, discusses whether "the idea of childhood did not exist" - read more ...

Boys football success

Our football team notched a huge score against d'Overbroecks - read more ...

Further improvements

Ambitious plans for the refurbishment of college houses - read more ...

Senior Seminars

Keith Hopper, St. Clare's tutor and leading authority on Flann O'Brien discusses the novel
The Third Policeman - read more ...

Teaching facilities

Several ongoing improvement projects have been completed - the science labs - read more ...

Compassionate artists

Ten students worked on The Memory Project with children from an orphanage in Haiti - read more ...

The boys team equal the girls

The boys football team also won their first game of the season against the Rashid School, Dubai - read more ...

Victory for the girls

Our girls football team made an excellent start to the season with a win over Malvern - read more ...

Aspiring artist

IB graduate, Xavier D Robles de Medina, is finding success and inspiration at the Savanah College of Art and Design - read more ...

Open Day

Over 40 visitors travelled from as far away as Armenia to Penzance to attend our Open Day - read more ...

A new student residence

The College has once again improved student accommodation by buying a new house - read more ...

A new rowing club

Our newly formed rowing club started their step learning curve at the rowing centre in Chester - read more ...

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